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It is so easy to put yourself last postpartum.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

In fact, putting your health and wellness last postpartum is doing both you and your baby a massive disservice.

As a licensed naturopathic doctor, IBCLC, and holistic sleep coach, I am here to help both you and your baby thrive.

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Tired of feeling like you are invisible postpartum? Tired of feeling like your health and wellness comes last? Tired of being told that extreme fatigue, hair loss, brain fog, mood issues, and more are just a “normal” part of being postpartum?

My mission is to change the way we approach postpartum. By honoring and nurturing the deep connection that you and your baby have, you both can flourish.

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Hello, I’m Dr. Kate

With a decade of practicing naturopathic medicine along with my own postpartum experience, I have seen how we are failing moms over and over again.

As soon as baby is born, the focus shifts from you to your baby. With that focus on baby, it is easy for mom’s health and wellness to be ignored.

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My own struggles postpartum

Feeling invisible postpartum

Seeking validation and support postpartum

Feeling like I was spinning my wheels with my baby’s sleep

Finding options other than sleep training and waiting it out

Feeling like my health and wellness didn’t matter

Overcoming doctors telling me that my experiences were due to being postpartum and that there was nothing to be done

My struggles working only with the baby as a naturopathic doctor

Only getting so far with the baby’s sleep, feeding, and well-being

Finding a new level of well-being when supporting mom and baby together

Hearing over and over again that moms were struggling

Discovering ways to support moms as well as their babies. Finding that when moms needs are met, it is easier to meet baby’s needs.

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After working with hundreds of moms just like you, I have realized that we are way off base with how we are approaching postpartum care.

Moms don’t have to experience the postpartum symptoms that have been normalized. Moms don’t have to experience extreme fatigue, mood swings, brain fog, and more. It is possible to feel amazing postpartum, especially when the mama and baby dyad are supported together. Mom and baby are deeply connected postpartum. So, ignoring the health and wellness of one part of the dyad is doing a major disservice to both.

Through the combination of naturopathic medicine, feeding, and sleep support, I have seen over and over again how good the years postpartum can be. I truly believe that moms can change the world from a place of energy and care vs exhaustion and depletion.

Together, let’s figure out what will move the needle the most for both you and your baby’s well-being.

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My Core Beliefs

  • You and your baby are deeply connected in the early years postpartum.

  • Your health and wellness affects your baby’s well-being, and vice versa.

  • True wellbeing is so much more attainable when both mom and baby are supported.

  • The early years postpartum can be so wonderful when both mom and baby are getting their needs met

  • You don’t have to suffer from “normal” postpartum symptoms such as extreme fatigue, hair loss, depression, anxiety, digestive issues, skin issue, and more.

  • How you experience postpartum is how you will experience health during subsequent pregnancies/postpartums, menopause, and beyond.

  • Your baby’s health and well-being in the early years sets them up for life!

You and your baby are a team, let’s work together – the 3 of us.

Whether your goals are related to energy, sleep, feeding, or something else, we will work together to find solutions for both you and your baby.